Renkus-Heinz ICL-FR User Manual
Page 43

Users Manual
General Preferences
The Preferences window also allows you to review and change the program’s default settings. You will find them under the General tab.
We already discussed the Networking Adapter (aka NIC) settings in the Connect section of this manual. so we won’t cover them again.
Unit System allows you to change the units of temperature from Metric (Centigrade) to Imperial (Fahrenheit). Under Group Settings, you
can set up a Power On Sequencing Delay for all grouped loudspeakers. This will help avoid a voltage surge that can trip building circuit
breakers. Depending on the delay interval you select, there will be a .5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 millisecond turn-on delay between each amplifier in
the Group.
Start Up options allow you to always open RHAON in Full Screen mode and to require Sign-In. When the Sign-In option is checked, the
program will ask for your password whenever it is opened.