Yokogawa PR300 Power and Energy Meter User Manual
Page 109

< 6. Modbus/TCP Communication Protocol>
IM 77C01E01-10E
‘Create sending data
strSendData =
Sending command character string
Number of D registers (0002:2)
D register start number (0000:D0001)
Function code(03:Reads data from multiple D registers)
Station number of PR300 (02:Station 02)
Number of sending data bytes after station number (0006:6 bytes)
Protocol ID(0000:Fixed)
Transaction ID(1234:Arbitrary 2-byte value)
Binary change
For iCount = 1 To 12
strCher = “&H” + Mid(strSendData, 2 * iCount - 1, 2)
‘Fetch 2 characters and change
them into hexadecimal notation.
binChrs(iCount - 1) = CByte(Val(strCher))
‘Change them into numerical values.
Next iCount
Winsock1.SendData binChrs
‘Send command
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
‘Receive data from PR300 and cut connection with PR300.
Dim binData() As Byte
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim strCher As String
‘Receive data
Winsock1.GetData binData
‘Receive command
‘Binary change
For iCount = 0 To bytesTotal -1
strCher = Right(Hex(binData(iCount)), 2)
‘Change every byte into a
character string.
If Len(strCher) = 1 Then
strReceive = strReceive + “0” + Mid(strCher, 1, 1)
‘Add 0 if it becomes one
character after change
strReceive = strReceive + strCher
End If
Next iCount
‘Cut TCP connection
End Sub