Yokogawa PR300 Power and Energy Meter User Manual

Page 108

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< 6. Modbus/TCP Communication Protocol>

IM 77C01E01-10E

‘Create sending data

strSendData =




Sending command character string

Number of D registers (0002:2)

D register start number (0000:D0001)

Function code (03:Reads data from multiple D registers)

Station number of PR300 (01:Station 01)

Number of sending data bytes after station number (0006:6 bytes)

Protocol ID (0000:Fixed)

Transaction ID (1234:Arbitrary 2-byte value)


Binary change

For iCount = 1 To 12

strCher = “&H” + Mid(strSendData, 2 * iCount - 1, 2)

‘Fetch 2 characters and change them into

hexadecimal notation.

binChrs(iCount - 1) = CByte(Val(strCher))

‘Change them into numerical values.

Next iCount

‘Send sending data

Winsock1.SendData binChrs

‘Send command

End Sub


Private Sub cmdSend2()

‘Procedure to send command to PR300 connected to RS-485 line with PR300 as gateway.

‘Variable declaration

Dim iCount As Integer

Dim strCher As String

‘Set properties of Winsock control

Winsock1.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol

‘TCP protocol

Winsock1.RemoteHost = “”

‘IP address of PR300 as gateway

Winsock1.RemotePort = 502

‘Port of Modbus/TCP to be used

‘Request TCP connection of PR300


‘Request TCP connection

Do Until Winsock1.State = sckConnected

‘ Wait for the completion of connection

iFlag = DoEvents()
