3. service codes, 3-1. parameter specific functions, 3.service codes -8 – Yokogawa EXA SC202 2-Wire Conductivity Transmitter/Analyzer User Manual

Page 54: 3-1. parameter specific functions -8

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IM 12D08B02-01E

5-8 Parameter setting

5-3. Service


Don't set or input service code numbers other than the code numbers defined in this manual. Setting an

undefined service code may make the transmitter malfunction.

When an undefined service code is input by some accident, push the MODE key and escape from the

service level.

5-3-1. Parameter specific functions

Code 01

*SC.RES Choose the required parameter, either conductivity or resistivity. If the

parameter is changed the instrument will go into reset to load parameter

specific default values, followed by starting measurement. For all other service

codes the instrument will return to commissioning mode after the service code

setting is finished.

Code 02


Choose the required sensor type. Normally conductivity and/or resistivity

measurements are done with 2-electrode type sensors. At high conductivity

ranges, polarization of the electrodes may cause an error in conductivity

measurement. For this reason 4-electrode type sensors may be necessary.

Code 03


Enter the factory calibrated cellconstant mentioned on the textplate or on the

fixed cable. This avoids the need for calibration. Any value between 0.008 and

50.0 /cm may be entered. The position of the decimal point may be changed

according the visual description in the right-handed page of section 5-2-2.

*NOTE: If the actual cell constant is changed after a calibration or if the entered cell constant differs

from previous value, then the message “*RESET?” will appear on the second line display. After

pressing “YES” the entered value becomes the new nominal and calibrated cell constant. After

pressing “NO” the update procedure of the cell constant entry is canceled.

Code 04


To avoid cable influences on the measurement, a “zero” calibration with a dry

sensor may be done. If a connection box (BA10) and extension cable (WF10)

are be used, “zero” calibration should be done including this connection


When using a 4-electrode sensor additional connections are required

temporarily Interconnect terminals 13 & 14 with each other and 15 & 16 with

each other before making the adjustment. This is necessary to eliminate the

capacitive influence of the cables. The links should be removed after this step

is completed.





Code 05

*POL.CK The EXA SC202 has a polarization check capable of monitoring the signal

from the cell for distortion from polarization errors. If there is a problem with

the installation or the cell becomes fouled, this will trigger E1. For some

application with very low conductivity and long cable runs, this error detection

can cause false alarms during operation. Therefore this code offers the

possibility to disable/enable this check.