Purging pressure regulators – Lincoln Electric 718117 Spirit II 400 User Manual
Page 52

Section 4: Operation with Automatic Gas Console
Spirit II User’s Manual
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Purging Pressure Regulators
Press the Purge navigation button to access the screen described below.
The background color of the actual pressure reading will change;
Green for pressures at the set point
Yellow for pressures not at the setpoint
Press the Adjust button to automatically adjust the gas pressures.
A message at the top of the screen
indicates the status of the regulators
in the automatic gas console:
Pressure Regulators Adjusted
Actual reading equals the Set Point.
The background color of the Actual
reading will be Green.
Regulators Need Adjusted
Actual pressures do not equal the Set
Point; the background color of the
Actual reading will be Yellow. Press
the Adjust button.
Pressure Regulators Adjusting
The system is in the process of
adjusting the pressures to reach the
Set Point.