Setting up to cut or mark – Lincoln Electric 718117 Spirit II 400 User Manual
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Spirit II User’s Manual
Section 4: Operation with Automatic Gas Console
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Setting up to Cut or Mark
Press the Material navigation button to setup a cut or mark. Material type, material
thickness, and process (cut or mark) are the only parameters that must be selected. All
other parameters are adjusted automatically; however, these parameters can be
customized. See Customizing Cutting or Marking Settings for more information.
Select Material Type
Press the Material Selection button
and select the desired material from
the list. Choose cancel to return to
the previously selected material.
Select Material Thickness
Press the Thickness Selection button
to choose from a list of predefined
gauges and thicknesses or press the
data entry button ( ) to manually
enter a thickness.
Select Cut or Mark (Process)
Press Cut or Mark to select the
desired process and the default gases
will be displayed.
The selected process will have a light
blue background.
Note: The X/Y controller can
automatically override the selected
process unless the cut/mark/cut
configuration is set to Local.