Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-DDR4 User Manual

Page 33

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QPHY-DDR4 Software Option

Shown on this screen:

• RjBUjSpect is the RjBUj Spectrum of the differential clock signal. The signal type on the signal input

section of SDA III is setup to measure a Clock and to use “Period” as the Jitter Parameter.

Figure 17 - tJIT(per)_total and tJIT(per)_dj Results

In the SDA Jitter section:

Tj(1e-12) is the total jitter calculated using the spectral direct method in SDA III. The user can modify

the BER level using the Jitter BER Level variable (see the QPHY-DDR4 Variables section for
more information). This value is reported as tJIT(per)_total in ps for informational purposes. The
value is also reported in UI to be tested against the limit from the specification.

Rj(spD) is the random jitter calculated using the spectral direct method in SDA III. This value is

reported for informational purposes.

Dj(spD) is the deterministic jitter calculated using the spectral direct method in SDA III. This value is

reported as tJIT(per)_dj in ps for informational purposes. The value is also reported in UI to be
tested against the limit from the specification.

tJIT(cc)_total, tJIT(cc)_dj, Total and Deterministic Cycle to Cycle Period Jitter
tJIT(cc) is defined as the absolute difference in clock period between two consecutive clock cycles.

After the completion of the tJIT(cc)_total and tJIT(cc)_dj tests the oscilloscope is in the following

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