Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-DDR4 User Manual
Page 25
QPHY-DDR4 Software Option
DQS_c Signal Name
This variable allows the user to assign a name to the DQS_c signal to appear in the test report and
screenshots. The default signal name is DQS0_c.
ADD/CTRL Signal Name
This variable allows the user to assign a name to the ADD/CTRL signal to appear in the test report and
screenshots. The default signal name is A0.
CK_t Signal Name
This variable allows the user to assign a name to the CK_t signal to appear in the test report and
screenshots. The default signal name is CK0_t.
CK_c Signal Name
This variable allows the user to assign a name to the CK_c signal to appear in the test report and
screenshots. The default signal name is Ck0_c.
Virtual Probe Setup
These variables must be adjusted if the user wants to use Virtual Probe.
Virtual Probe Control
This variable allows the user to enable VirtualProbing and to determine during which group of tests it
should be applied. The user can choose to apply VirtualProbe during tests on a Read burst, Write burst,
or both Read and Write bursts. In order to use VirtualProbe the oscilloscope must have the VirtualProbe
option. The default value is Off.
Virtual Probe Tool Selection
This variable allows the user to choose between Virtual Probe at Receiver (VP@Rcvr) or VirtualProbe
when Virtual Probe Control is enabled. The default value is VP@Rcvr.
VP at Receiver Path
This variable allows the user to specify the path on the oscilloscope to save/recall Virtual Probe at
Receiver setup files from.
VP@Rcvr setup file name
These variables define the name of the VP@Rcvr setup which will be used for each signal (DQse,
DQSdiff, or CKdiff).
VirtualProbe Path
This variable allows the user to specify the path on the oscilloscope to save/recall Virtual Probe setup files
VirtualProbe setup file name
This variable defines the name of the VirtualProbe setup which will be used for all signals under test.
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