Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-DDR4 User Manual
Page 26

Demo Settings
These variables must be adjusted if the user wishes to run QPHY using saved waveforms.
Use Stored Waveforms
When enabled QPHY will run using previously stored waveforms. The waveforms will be recalled using
the defined Waveform Path. The default value is No.
Recalled Waveform File Index (5 digits)
QPHY will recall the saved waveform file using the defined 5 digit index of the file. The default value is
Define format used to set trace names
This variable defines how QPHY will store and recall waveforms. If LeCroy is used then the files will be
automatically saved/recalled using the format defined in Appendix A: File name conventions for saved
waveform. If Dialog is selected the user will be prompted to enter the file names to be saved/recalled.
The default setting is LeCroy.
Use Stored Trace for Speed Grade
This option allows QPHY to be set to measure the clock frequency (which is used to check the selected
speed grade) only once during a run. The default selection is No.
Advanced Settings
These variables are designed to give advanced users more control over the QualiPHY script.
Clock Period Per Screen Division
Oscilloscope timebase and sampling rate are set to acquire the given number of clock cycle per display
horizontal division at a given DUT Speed Grad in MT/s and for a Max. Number of Samples Per Clock
Period. The default is 3341 clock periods (this gives a 10us/div timebase at 667 MT/s and 3.3MS max for
100 samples per period).
Timebase = [Clock Period Per Screen Division] / ([DUT Speed Grade in MT/s] / 2 * 1e6)
Maximum Samples = [Max. Number Of Samples Per Clock Period] * [Clock Period Per Screen Division] *
Number of Cycles for Clock test
The JEDEC standard requires 200 cycles for the Clock compliance test. This variable allows the user to
enter any positive whole number. The default value is 200 cycles.
Half Cycle before Write Preambles
This variable allows QPHY to account for an additional half cycle which is added before the write
preamble by some controllers. The default value is Yes.
Max. Number Of Samples Per Clock Period
The oscilloscope timebase and sampling rate is set to acquire the given number of points per clock
period. See the Clock Period Per Screen Division topic for more details. Choose between 10, 20, 50, 100,
200, 500 or 1000. The default value is 100.
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