Export decode result table – Teledyne LeCroy SENT Decoder User Manual

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Instruction Manual

922664 Rev A


You may display these columns on a SENT result table:

Idx - Index of the line in the table, also number of the message in the annotation overlay on the trace.

Time(us) - Time (in microseconds) of the beginning of the SENT burst, with respect to the trigger point of
the record.

Sync - Real Measured Length of the Sync Pulse. The pulse width is measured between the two falling
edges of the Sync pulse, at the intersection of the signal and the Level selected in the Level Tab. Note
that a large hysteresis will impact this value.

D0 - Reserved for special applications.

IFG - Inter Frame Gap, measured from the end of a burst to the beginning of the next burst.

Msg (always shown) - Message summary, with the number of transitions, nibbles and words.

Tck - TickTime; value of the SYNC pulse divided by 56.

Status (1) (always shown) - Value of the status and communication nibbles. This value is split into its
component bits in the next four columns to help interpret the contents.

b0 - Reserved for special applications.

b1 - Reserved for special applications.

b2 - Serial Data Message Bits (slow channels).

b3 - Message Start.

crc (always shown) - Value of the CRC (error detection) nibble compared to values of the other nibbles
of the message. If it does not match, an Error appears in the Status (2) column. It is normal that the first
and last messages of a record, when truncated, generate a crc error.

rms (always shown) - Root Mean Square value of the falling edge crossings, usually in nanoseconds.

Status (2) - reported Errors and Warnings.

Export Decode Result Table

You can export the decode result table data to a .CSV file.

Export files are by default created in the Xstream\Applications\ folder, although you can
choose any other folder on the oscilloscope, or any external drive connected to a host USB port. The
data will overwrite the last export file saved in the protocol directory, unless you enter a new filename.

To export the result table:

1. Press the Front Panel Serial Decode button, or choose Analysis > Serial Decode, then open the

Decode Setup tab.

2. Optionally, touch Browse and enter a new File Name and output folder.

3. Touch the Export Table button.