Teledyne LeCroy HPT - Users Manual User Manual
Page 6

HPT User’s Manual
Version 2.27
Page 4
4.3.1 Setting the PIIX4 Interrupt Line Number
In some computers the BIOS does not set the PIIX4 interrupt line, and as a result, the USB host
controller interrupt line remains disabled.
The HPT software allows setting of the PIIX4 interrupt line number, using the /I:N option, where
N is the IRQ number of the USB host controller (in the range 3–F).
If the IRQ setting is done by the BIOS, the /I option is not required.
When thus directed, the HPT software reads the Interrupt Line Register contents (function 2). If a
valid interrupt line number (3–F) is found, it uses this interrupt number even if the /I option
specifies a different IRQ number. If an invalid interrupt value is found (not 3–F) the driver alerts
the user with a screen message, stating that an invalid interrupt number was found, and requests
the use of the /I option to specify a valid IRQ value.
Ignoring the /I option when a valid IRQ number is detected allows the user to use the same
software configuration to run the HPT tester on different systems (where some need this option
and some do not).
When the /I option is used, the driver writes the specified IRQ number to both the Interrupt Line
Register and the PIRQD Route Control Register (function 0), and clears the Interrupt Routing
Enable bit of the latter.
4.3.2 Command Line Options
The test program supports a variety of command line options. To use these options, type
USB_HPT (at the DOS prompt) followed by one or more of the following options, and press the
“Enter” key. Note that option switches may be either upper- or lowercase.
Command Line Options
Specifies an integer value representing the number of
milliseconds to wait at the end of the test before
terminating (without waiting for the operator to press a
key). The maximum value of “TIME” is 32,768
(approximately 32.8 seconds).
Wait for operator
to press a key.
Default value of
“TIME” is 1000.
Valid for OHCI Host Controllers ONLY !!!
Specifies (in HEX) the base address for the
operational registers of the host controller
Sends all screen output to the console (so it can be
redirected to a file or communication port).
Display screen
output only.
Specifies (in HEX) a device ID for the host controller.
Note: In this case, the HPT software will not do
automatic search; this option should be used in
conjunction with option /V.