Teledyne LeCroy Protocol Analyzers File-Based Decoding User Manual User Manual

Page 38

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Chapter 10: Functions

File-based Decoding User Manual


LeCroy Corporation

All parameters are passed by value, not by reference, and can be changed in the function
body without affecting the values that were passed in. For instance, the function

add_1(x, y)

x = 2;
y = 3;
return x + y;


reassigns parameter values within the statements. So,

a = 10;
b = 20;
add_1(a, b);

has a return value of 5, but the values of a and b is not changed.

The scope of a function is the file in which it is defined (as well as included files), with the
exception of primitive functions, whose scopes are global.

Calls to undefined functions are legal, but always evaluate to null and result in a compiler