Chapter 7: statements, 1 expression statements, 2 if statements – Teledyne LeCroy Protocol Analyzers File-Based Decoding User Manual User Manual

Page 27: Chapter 7, Statements, 1 expression statements 7.2 if statements

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File-based Decoding User Manual

Chapter 7: Statements

LeCroy Corporation


Chapter 7: Statements

Statements are the building blocks of a program. A program is made up of list of

Seven kinds of statements are used in CSL: expression statements, if statements, if-else
statements, while statements, for statements, return statements, and compound

7.1 Expression Statements

An expression statement describes a value, variable, or function.



Here are some examples of the different kinds of expression statements:

Value: x + 3;
Variable: x = 3;
Function: FormatEx ("%s", x);

The variable expression statement is also called an assignment statement, because it
assigns a value to a variable.

7.2 if Statements

An if statement follows the form

if <expression> <statement>

For example,

str = "";
if (3 && 3) str = FormatEx ( "%s", "True!" );

causes the program to evaluate whether the expression 3 && 3 is nonzero, or True. It

is, so the expression evaluates to True and the FormatEx statement is executed. On the

other hand, the expression 3 && 0 is not nonzero, so it would evaluate to False, and the

statement would not be executed.