Autostart AS-2775 User Manual
Page 10

P. 10
Installation Guide
the relay is activated, +12 volts from 87 is sent through 30, and the OEM trunk switch is activated,
by the positive pulse.
Example: Creating a Starter Kill relay to prevent unauthorized starting of the vehicle.
Problem: The OEM starter circuit needs to be disabled only when theft is attempted.
Solution: A relay is used to interrupt the OEM starter wire. There is an output on the remote start
module especially for this purpose (Starter Kill output).
The relay connections:
85: Connects to the Starter Kill output wire from the remote start module. This becomes the
negative trigger for the coil.
86: Connects to the vehicle's Ignition wire. This becomes the positive trigger for the coil.
87: No connection. This terminal is not used in this application. The vehicle's OEM start wire is cut.
The side of the wire that is still connected to the Ignition switch becomes the “Key Side” of the
starter wire. The side of the wire that is still connected to the starter motor becomes the “Starter
Side” of the starter wire.
87A: Connects to the “Key Side” of the cut OEM starter wire.
30: Connects to the “Starter Side” of the cut OEM start wire.
Comments: At rest the relay is not active, and +12 volts on the starter wire passes through the
relay (through 87A & 30) normally. The Starter Kill output wire on the remote start module is
activated when the
button is pressed on the remote control. When a theft attempt happens,
and the thief powers the Ignition circuit (to hot wire the vehicle), and the Starter Kill was ARMED
(by the
button on the remote), the starter kill relay activates. The OEM start wire is now
open, (does not make connection) because 30 is no longer connected to 87A, and the vehicle is
unable to start.
Strengthening current:
Example: Strengthening an output
Problem: A vehicle has a negative (-) trigger Trunk release wire. The module has a negative Trunk
release output wire. The remote start module is unable to supply the necessary current to activate
the vehicle's Trunk release wire.
Solution: A Relay is used to provide the necessary negative current to activate the vehicle's Trunk
release wire.
The relay connections:
85: Connects to the start module's Trunk release wire output. This becomes the Negative trigger
for the coil.
86: Connects to a fused +12 Volt source.
87: Connects to a Negative source, i.e. the spot where the remote start module is grounded. This
becomes the supply for activating the vehicle's Trunk release wire.
87A: No connection. This terminal is not used in this application.
30: Connects to the vehicle's Trunk release wire.
Comments: At rest the relay is not active and the vehicle's Trunk release switch is allowed to
operate normally. When the Trunk release button is pressed on the remote control, the start