System Sensor B401BR User Manual
B401br plug-in detector base

B401Br Plug-in detector Base
inSTaLLaTiOn and mainTenanCe inSTrUCTiOnS
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
BefOre inSTaLLing
Please thoroughly read the System Sensor manual I56-407, Guide for Proper
Use of System Smoke Detectors, which provides detailed information on de-
tector spacing, placement, zoning, wiring, and special applications. Copies of
this manual are available at no charge from System Sensor. (For installations
in Canada, refer to CAN4-S524, Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm
Systems, and CEC Part 1, Sec. 32.)
NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment.
IMPORTANT: The detector used with this base must be tested and maintained
regularly following NFPA 72 requirements. The detector used with this base
should be cleaned at least once a year.
generaL deSCriPTiOn
The plug-in detector base B401BR is used with System Sensor 400 Series
photoelectronic, ionization, and heat detector heads. The ability to accept
a variety of detector heads makes this base more versatile than equivalent
direct-wired models. Refer to the System Sensor catalog for other available
plug-in detector bases.
This B401BR base is intended for use in 2-wire systems, with screw terminals
provided for power, ground, and remote annunciator connections. The B401BR
base also contains a resistor to provide current limiting in the alarm state.
This detector base mounts directly to 31⁄2 inch and 4 inch octagon boxes, and
4 inch square boxes (with or without plaster rings). To mount, remove decora-
tive ring by turning it in either direction to unhook the snaps, then separate
the ring from the base.
Install the base to the box using the screws supplied with the junction box and
the appropriate mounting slots in the base. Place decorative ring onto base,
then turn in either direction until the ring snaps in place (see Figure 1).
inSTaLLaTiOn gUideLineS (figUre 2)
All wiring must be installed in compliance with the National Electrical Code
and the local codes having jurisdiction. Proper wire gauges should be used.
The conductors used to connect smoke detectors to control panels and acces-
sory devices should be color-coded to prevent wiring mistakes. Improper con-
nections can prevent a system from responding properly in the event of a fire.
For signal wiring (the wiring between interconnected detectors), it is recom-
mended that the wire be no smaller than 18 gauge (1.0 square mm). Wire
sizes up to 12 gauge wire (2.5 square mm) may be used with the base. For
Base Diameter:
6.2 inches (157 mm) typical
Base Height:
1.1 inches (29 mm) typical
0.3 lb. (130 g) typical
4 inch square box with or without plaster ring. Min. Depth: 1.5 inches
4 inch octagon box. Min. Depth: 1.5 inches
3-1/2 inch octagon box. Min. Depth: 1.5 inches
Operating Temperature Range:
–10° to 60°C (14° to 140°F)
NOTE: Do not install where normal ambient temperature extends beyond 0° to 49° (32° to 120°F)
Operating Humidity Range:
10% to 93% Relative Humidity
Electrical Ratings — includes base and detector
System Voltage:
24 VDC
Maximum Ripple Voltage:
4 Volts peak to peak
Start-up Capacitance:
0.02 µF Maximum
Standby Ratings:
17 VDC Minimum
32 VDC Maximum
120 µA Maximum
Alarm Ratings:
10 mA Minimum at 10.5 VDC
62 mA Maximum at 32 VDC
The optional RA400Z/RA100Z Remote Annunciator operates within the specified detector alarm currents.
Reset Voltage:
2.50 VDC Minimum
Reset Time:
0.3 Sec Maximum
Start-up Time:
34.0 Sec Maximum
For use with the following detectors: 1451, 2451, and 2451TH
best system performance, the power (+ and –) loop wires should be twisted
pair and installed in separate grounded conduit to protect the loop from elec-
trical interference.
Smoke detectors and alarm system control panels have specifications for al-
lowable loop resistance. Consult the control panel manufacturer’s specifica-
tions for the total loop resistance allowed for the particular model control
panel being used before wiring the detector loops.
For system supervision — For terminals 2, 3, and 5 do not use looped wire un-
der terminals. Break wire run to provide system supervision of connections.
Wire connections are made by simply stripping insulation from the end of the
wire, sliding the bare end of the wire under the clamping plate, and tightening
the clamping plate screw. Use the strip gauge molded into the base for ease of
wiring to terminals.
System Sensor smoke detectors and mounting bases are marked with a com-
patibility identifier located as the last digit of a five digit code stamped on the
back of the product. Connect detectors/mounting bases only to compatible
control units as indicated in System Sensor’s compatibility chart which con-
tains a current list of UL listed control units and detector head/base combina-
tions. A copy of this list is available from System Sensor upon request.
The zone wiring of the detector base should be checked before the detector
heads are installed in them. To make this possible, this base contains a spe-
cial spring-type shorting jumper. After a detector base is properly wired and
mounted on an electrical box, make sure that the jumper spring is in contact
with the base of Terminal 3. This temporary connection shorts the negative-in
and negative-out leads and permits the wiring of the loop to be checked for
Once all the detector bases have been wired and mounted, and the loop wir-
ing has been checked, the detector heads may be installed in the bases. The
shorting spring in the base will disengage when the detector head is turned
into place.