Installation instructions – Amana Bottom Mount Refrigerator User Manual
Page 8

November 1996
Installation Instructions
Freezer Door 3/4" Raised Panel
1. Slide out handle screw insert and remove handle
by removing screws with a Phillips
screwdriver. Handle is in 2 pieces, reinstall if
pieces come apart.
2. 1/2" x 3 1/2" notch is required on hinge side.
3. Remove top handle trim and 1 side trim piece for
ease of installation.
4. Align panel brackets and screws.
5. Align panel in trim and push evenly. Start at one
end and work across. For smoother installation
apply bar soap on door trim and freezer trim. If
panel binds loosen top or side door trim. Adjust
panel and retighten.
6. Install handle with screws. Install screw strip
(supplied) by starting in one corner and pushing
the length of the strip down.
Door Stop Adjustment
1. Remove center grille blade from top air grille.
2. Remove top air grille by removing (4) 1/4” screws
with a magnetic screw driver. Pull assembly
f o r w a r d .
3. Open refrigerator door so door stop arm and
shoulder screw are accessible. Shoulder
screws should be in 110° door opening position.
4. Remove shoulder screw and place shoulder
in the 90° or 120° door opening position.
Freezer Door
120° door
110° door
90° door
Door stop arm
Hinge Adjustment
Verify proper door alignment. Wait until panels are
installed for door settlement. Only the top hinge is
a d j u s t a b l e .
Adjust top hinge by completing the following:
1. Remove air grille blade and air grille assembly.
2. Loosen top hinge screws.
3. Align refrigerator door by lifting.
4. Tighten screws.
5. Install air grille.
6. Replace air grille assembly.
Interior Setup
1. Remove interior packaging.
2. Turn shelves upright.
3. Move dairy module to desired position on
refrigerator door. See "Model Diagram".
4. Twist cardboard in ice bin to release freezer
t r a y .
5. Remove literature packet from freezer tray and
give to consumer. Complete "Installation
Checklist" with consumer.
Top hinge
Top hinge
Handle screw