Component function and testing – Amana Bottom Mount Refrigerator User Manual
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Component Function and Testing
RS1200001 Rev. 1
April 1998
Run capacitor connects to relay terminal.
Capillary tube
When compressor electrical circuit is energized, the
start w inding current causes PTC relay to heat. After an
amount of starting time the start w inding circuit turns
off. PTC relay w ill sw itch off the start w inding circuit
even though compressor has not started (as w hen
attempting to restart after momentary pow er
With "open" PTC relay, compressor w ill not start
because there is little or no current to start w indings.
Overload protector w ill open due to high locked rotor
run w inding current.
With "shorted" PTC relay or capacitor, compressor w ill
start and overload protector w ill quickly open due to
high current of combined run and start w indings.
With open or w eak capacitor, the compressor w ill start
and run as normal but w ill consume more energy.
Check for resistance betw een:
Terminals "S" & "C"
Terminals "R"& "C"
Ground Test
Disconnect pow er to refrigerator .Remove compressor leads and use an
ohmmeter set on highest scale. Touch 1 lead to compressor body (clean
point of contact) and the other probe to each compressor terminal. If a
reading is obtained, compressor is grounded and must be replaced.
1. Disconnect pow er to refrigerator.
2. Remove capacitor and disconnect capacitor w ires.
3. Discharge capacitor by shorting across terminals w ith a resistor for
1 minute.
4. Check resistance across capacitor terminals w ith ohmeter set on
"X1K" scale.
• Needle should jump tow ards 0 ohms and quickly move back to
• If needle does not move, the capacitor is open.
• If needle reads a constant value at or near 0 ohms, the capacitor is
• If needle jumps tow ards 0 and then moves back to a constant high
resistance (not infinity), the capacitor has a high resistance leak.
Operation Test
If motor w inding tests fail to show cause for failure:
1. Disconnect pow er to refrigerator. Wire a test cord to disconnect
sw itch.
2. Place time delayed fuse, w ith U.L. rating equal to amp rating of motor,
in test cord socket.
3. Remove overload and relay.
4. Connect start, common, and run leads of test cord on appropriate
terminals of compressor.
5. Attach capacitor leads of test cord together. If capacitor is used,
attach capacitor leads to a good capacitor of same capacity.
6. Plug test cord into volt-w att meter to determine start and run w attage
as w ell as check for low voltage w hich can also be a source of
7. With pow er to volt-meter, press start cord sw itch and release. If
compressor motor starts and draw s normal w attage compressor is
okay and trouble is in capacitor, relay, overload, freezer temperature
control, adaptive defrost control, or elsew here.
Capillary is sized in diameter and length to
feed proper amount of refrigerant to
Capillary is soldered to suction line to transfer
heat from capillary and add additional
superheat to gas refrigerant in compressor
suction line.
Capillary discharges into evaporator.
To avoid electrical shock w hich can cause severe personal
injury or death, discharge capacitor through a resistor before