Ee prom byte re ad – AeroComm TRANSCEIVER ZB2430 User Manual
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ZB2430 User’s Manual - v1.6
C O N F I G U R I N G T H E Z B 2 4 3 0
The OEM Host issues this command to discover the 64-bit IEEE
address of a remote radio.
Note: This command is valid only for Coordinators and/or Router
devices. This command will not issue a response if the requested
address is unable to be located in the network. A timeout of several
seconds should be assumed when using this command.
Command: <0xCC> <0x8E> <0x00>
Number of Bytes Returned: 9
Response: <0xCC>
Parameter Range:
= 64-bit IEEE Address of remote radio
D is co v e r IE EE A d d re ss & C h il d re n o f R em o t e R a d io
The OEM Host issues this command to discover the 64-bit IEEE
address of a remote radio as well as report a list of that device’s
Note: This command is valid only for Coordinators and/or Router
devices. This command will not issue a response if the requested
address is unable to be located in the network. A timeout of several
seconds should be assumed when using this command.
Command: <0xCC> <0x8E> <0x00>
Number of Bytes Returned: 10+
Response: <0xCC>
Parameter Range:
= 64-bit IEEE Address of remote radio
= Length of data to follow
= List of remote radio’s associated devices
R ea d T e m p er at u r e
The OEM Host issues this command to read the onboard
temperature sensor.
Note: The temperature sensor is uncalibrated and has a tolerance of
+/- 3C. For calibration instructions, contact Aerocomm’s technical
Command: <0xCC> <0xA4>
Number of bytes returned: 3
Response: 0xCC <+/->
Parameter Range:
= 0x2B: +
0x2D: -
= Temperature (Celsius) (0x08 - 0x50)
R ea d V o lt a g e
The OEM Hosts issues this command to read the input voltage to the
Command: <0xCC> <0xC0> <0xA6>
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: <0xCC>
Parameter Range:
Example Output: 0xCC 0x03 0x37
<0x03> =Integer portion is 3v
<0x37> =decimal portion is .55v
Voltage level is 3.55V
EE PROM Byte Re ad