AeroComm TRANSCEIVER ZB2430 User Manual
Page 39

C O N F I G U R I N G T H E Z B 2 4 3 0
3 4
The OEM Host issues this command to adjust the maximum output
Command: <0xCC> <0x25>
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: 0xCC
Parameter Range:
Low Power
0x00: 17 dBm
0x00: 3 dBm
0x01: 11 dBm
0x01: -3 dBm
0x02: 5 dBm
0x02: -9 dBm
0x03: -1 dBm
0x03: -15 dBm
R e ad 1 6- b i t N W K Ad d r es s
The OEM Host issues this command to determine the 16-bit NWK
address of the device it is connected to.
Command: <0xCC> <0x8A> <0x00>
Number of Bytes Returned: 4
Response: <0xCC> <0x8A>
Parameter Range:
Note: If the device has not yet been assigned, a NWK address of
0xFFFF will be returned.
R ea d 1 6 - bi t NW K A d d re ss o f Pa re n t De vi c e
The OEM Host issues this command to determine the 16-bit NWK
address of its’ Parent Device.
Command: <0xCC> <0x8A> <0x01>
Number of Bytes Returned: 4
Response: <0xCC> <0x8A>
Parameter Range:
Note: If the device has not yet associated, a NWK address of
0xFFFF will be returned.
D is co v e r 16 - b it N W K A d d re ss o f R e m ot e Ra d i o
The OEM Host issues this command to discover the 16-bit NWK
address of a remote radio.
Note: This command is valid only for Coordinators and/or Router
devices. This command will not issue a response if the requested
address is unable to be located in the network. A timeout of several
seconds should be assumed when using this command.
Command: <0xCC> <0x8D>
Number of Bytes Returned: 3
Response: <0xCC>
Parameter Range:
= 64-bit IEEE Address of remote radio
D is co v e r IE EE A d d re ss of R em o t e R a d io