Finish Thompson GP11 SERIES User Manual

Page 3

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3. remove the seal for inspection.

a. lubricate impeller’s shaft with rubber lubricant

emulsion or soapy water to allow the seal to slide


NotE: Never use a petroleum product for lubrication.

Doing so will effect the seal elastomer’s performance

after reassembly.

b. if no cooling collar is present, carefully remove the

retaining ring that holds the rear of the seal. if

equipped with a cooling collar, carefully slide the

cooling collar off of the impeller’s shaft.

• With single bellows or multi-spring seals, a

retaining ring holds the seal in place. Carefully

remove the retaining ring.

• With double seals, the cooling collar holds the seal



CAUtioN: the seal’s spring is compressed and under

pressure. Use care when removing.

c. remove the seal’s spring. grasp the rotating head of

the seal by hand and twist to remove from the

impeller’s shaft.

d. remove the housing cover from the impeller.

e. Press the ceramic stationary seat portion of the seal

out of the housing cover.

4. Visually inspect all parts for damage. replace any parts

that appear worn or damaged.

• look for scoring of the seal’s ceramic face.

• inspect the rotating seal face for wear.

• Check for degradation or chemical attack of any

elastomers and other seal components.

• look for signs of heat damage (melted plastic) to the

housing Cover and impeller’s shaft.

sEAl iNstAllAtioN & PUmP rEAssEmBly

Single Bellows Seal

1. install the stationary seal face.

a. lubricate the stationary face’s o-ring with a rubber

lubricant emulsion or soapy water. Keep the polished

surfaces of the seal face clean.

NotE: Never use a petroleum product for lubrication.

Doing so will effect the seal elastomer’s performance

after reassembly.

b. Carefully press the stationary face into the housing

cover (use a piece of cardboard to protect the seal while

pressing against the stationary face). the smoothest

side of the stationary face should be facing outward.

2. install the rotating face.

a. lubricate the impeller’s shaft with a rubber lubricant

emulsion or soapy water.

b. Carefully slide the housing cover over the impeller’s

shaft. the side of the housing cover with the pressed-

in seal face should be away from the impeller.

c. separate the rotating head of the seal from the large

spring. relubricate the impeller’s shaft, then carefully

slide the rotating head of the seal over the impeller’s

shaft using a twisting motion. the carbon side of the

rotating face should be toward and pressed against the

stationary head of the housing cover.

CAUtioN: the carbon portion of the seal is easily

damaged. take care not to apply uneven force or crack

the carbon while installing.

3. install the seal’s spring and spring retainer. Compress the

spring and snap the retaining ring (item #8) into the groove

on the impeller’s shaft.

4. install the assembled seal, impeller and housing cover onto

the motor bracket.

a. if a cooling collar is being used, slide it onto the

impeller’s shaft at this time. take care to align the

water connections so they are accessible.

b. screw the impeller onto the motor shaft or shaft


c. make certain that the housing cover’s o-ring is in place.

d. Place the impeller housing into position and install the

hardware. tighten the six hex-head cap screws to 90


Multi-Spring Seal

the basic installation procedure for a multi-spring seal is the

same as for the single bellows seal. the exception is that a

multi-spring seal has 4 set screws which need to be tightened

on the impeller shaft.

Double Seal

1. remove the motor adapter from the motor’s face (the pump

has previously been removed).

2. install the stationary seal faces.

a. lubricate the stationary faces’ o-rings with a rubber

lubricant emulsion or soapy water. Keep the polished

surfaces of the seal face clean.

NotE: Never use a petroleum product for lubrication.

Doing so will affect the seal elastomer’s performance

after reassembly.

b. Carefully press the stationary faces into the housing

cover and the cooling collar (use a piece of cardboard

to protect the seal while pressing against the stationary

face). the smoothest side of the stationary face

should be facing outward.

NotE: if using a special seal material, it is vital that the

special stationary seal face is pressed into the housing


3. install the rotating faces and cooling collar to the motor
