Finish Thompson VKC5.5,6,6H,7,8,10 SERIES User Manual

WARNING: Magnetic field hazard. This pump contains powerful
rare earth magnets. When the pump is disassembled (not
connected to a motor) and the magnets are exposed, these
magnets produce powerful magnetic fields. Individuals with
cardiac pacemakers, implanted defibrillators, other electronic
medical devices, metallic prosthetic heart valves, internal wound
clips (from surgery), metallic prosthetic devices or sickl cell
anemia must not handle or be in the proximity of the magnets
contained inside the pump. Consult a health care provider for
specific recommendations before working with this pump.
1. No assembly required. Simply unpack the pump and motor and ex-
amine for any signs of shipping damage. If damage is detected, save
the packaging and notify the carrier immediately.
2. Ensure that lock rings are securely snapped in place and did not loosen
during shipment.
3. To install the pump into the system, follow the installation instructions
Note: Finish Thompson has added extra weight (Flywheel item 35 in
Figure 8) to several of our VKC Series Pumps to slow down motor start
up & prevent possible magnet decoupling. It is necessary to know
whether your pump was supplied with the flywheel. Flywheels are sup-
plied with all VKC8 (54”- 60”) & All VKC10 pumps both 56C NEMA & 80
Metric frame motor adapters. If you are unsure whether your pump was
supplied with a flywheel please contact our Tech Service Department at
PH: 800-888-3743 or email [email protected].
Note: motor assembly videos are available on line at http://www.Fin-
FOR 56C FRaMe VKC5.5,6,6H, 7 and 8 PUMP adaPTeRS
WITHOUT FlyWHeelS [12” - 48” (30-
122 cm)]. USe FIgURe 7.
1. Unpack the pump and any supplied accessories and examine for dam-
age. If damage is detected, save the packaging and notify the carrier
2. Prepare to assemble the pump onto the motor by placing the motor
on the fan cover on a suitable clean, level work surface.
3. Slide the supplied coupling half (metal half of item 27 in figure 7)
onto the motor shaft with the splined side facing the pump. Adjust the
coupling half so that the motor shaft is recessed 7/32” below the top
of the coupling. Insert the motor shaft key in the slot and tighten both
setscrews with a 1/8” Allen wrench to 70 in-lbs.
4. Install the coupling insert (yellow internally splined plastic sleeve)
onto the coupling half on the motor shaft. Carefully slide the motor
adapter (item 9 in figure 7) onto the motor making sure the pump shaft
Pat.No. 5,708,313
VKC5.5,6,6H, 7,8,10 SERIES
Sealless Non-Metallic Vertical Pumps
Installation and Maintenance Instructions
coupling matches up with the plastic insert and seats properly. Make
sure rabbet on the motor is firmly seated into the motor adapter.
CAUTION: Pump assembly may be top heavy.
5. Rotate the pump discharge and mounting plate (if ordered) to the de-
sired orientation. Align the holes in the mounting plate and the motor
adapter with the holes in the motor face. Secure the mounting plate
and motor adapter to the motor using (4) washers, lock washers, and
3/8” bolts (items 6,7,8) from the hardware package.
6. Ensure that lock rings are securely snapped in place and did not loosen
during shipment.
7. Install the pump into the system according to the installation instruc-
tions provided.
FOR 56C FRaMe VKC8 [54”-60”(137-152
cm)] and all VKC10 PUMP adaPTeRS
WITH FlyWHeelS (ITeM 35 In FIgURe 8):
1. Unpack the pump and any supplied accessories and examine for dam-
age. If damage is detected, save the packaging and notify the carrier
2. Prepare to assemble the pump onto the motor by placing the motor
on the fan cover on a suitable clean, level work surface.
3. Install motor key into motor shaft key slot. Align the keyway slot on
the flywheel (item 35 in figure 8) and slide the flywheel onto the motor
shaft with the protruding boss towards the motor face. Align the keyway
slot in the coupling half and slide the coupling half on. Set coupling
half with the motor shaft recessed 7/32” and tighten both setscrews
with a 1/8” Allen wrench to 70 in-lbs.
4. Slide the flywheel forward so that it rests against the backside
of the coupling half. Tighten both setscrews.
5. Insert the coupling insert (yellow internally splined plastic sleeve) into
the coupling half on the motor shaft. Place coupling support (item
38A in figure 8) into center of coupling half with the short side facing
the motor. Carefully slide the motor adapter end (item 9 in figure 8)
of the pump assembly over the motor shaft until both coupling halves
are completely seated in the coupling insert. Make sure rabbet on the
motor is firmly seated into the motor adapter.
CAUTION: Pump assembly may be top heavy
6. Rotate the pump discharge and mounting plate (if ordered) to the
desired orientation. Align the holes in the mounting plate and the
motor adapter with the holes in the motor face. Secure the mounting
plate and motor adapter to the motor using (4) washers, lock washers
and 3/8” bolts (items 6, 7, 8) from the hardware package.
7. Ensure that lock rings are securely snapped in place and did not loosen
during shipment.