Finish Thompson SP22 Series Self-Priming User Manual
Page 4

CAUTION: Never start or operate with a closed suction valve
WARNING: Operation without priming or against a closed discharge valve can result in high temperatures that can result in
injury or damage to pump components
CAUTION: Always provide adequate NPSHa (net positive suction head available) It is recommended to provide at least 2 feet
(61 cm) above the NPSHr (net positive suction head required)
CAUTION: If pump is used on variable speed drive, do not exceed the frequency for which the pump was designed (for example,
if the pump is a 50 Hz model, do not exceed 50 Hz)
SP22 Capabilities
• Maximum Working Pressure: 90 psi (6 2 bar)
• Maximum Temperature:
Polypropylene -180º F (82º C); PVDF – 220º F (104º C)
NOTE: Maximum temperature is application dependent Consult a chemical resistance guide or the chemical manufacturer for
chemical compatibility and temperature limits
• Maximum Lift: 25 feet (7 6 meters)
NOTE: Lift determined on fresh, cold water with 3” Schedule 40 pipe Specific gravity affects lift capability Divide 25 feet (7 6
meters) by the specific gravity to determine equivalent maximum lift
• Solids: Maximum particle size is 100 microns for slurries and 1/64” ( 4 mm) for occasional solids Maximum hardness is 80 HS
Maximum concentration is 10% by weight
If solids are being pumped, it is recommended that the pump have silicon
carbide components for best results Pumping solids may lead to increased wear
NOTE: While the pump is capable of being used in sump applications, it is NOT a trash pump Care must be taken to ensure that
debris and foreign objects do not enter the pump or damage may result FTI recommends using a 2” (50 8 mm) or 3” (76 2 mm)
strainer basket with 1/8” (3 2 mm) perforations Regular strainer basket maintenance is required to prevent plugging and a
decrease in NPSHa so not to starve and damage the pump
• Minimum Allowable Flow Rate
Do not allow the flow rate to drop below the minimum flow rate in the chart below:
• Maximum Allowable Motor Power
Do not exceed 7 5 kW (10 horsepower) for 50 Hz, 2900 rpm applications For 60 Hz, 3450 rpm applications, the pump is capable
of starting a 15 horsepower motor but is limited to a maximum of 13 horsepower (9 7 kW) while running Use the information in
the chart below to determine the maximum specific gravity capabilities by impeller trim for non-overloading applications The
use of a power monitor is strongly recommended for 60 Hz applications above 10 horsepower (7 5 kW)
Maximum Noise Level: 80 dBA (pump only)
• Maximum Specific Gravity for Non-Overloading Applications
3450 rpm (60 Hz)
Maximum Specific
7” (177 8 mm)
1 0
6 5” (165 1 mm)
1 3
6” (152 4 mm)
1 6
5 5” (139 7 mm)
1 8
5” (127 0 mm)
1 8
2900 rpm (50 Hz)
Maximum Specific
177 8 mm (7”)
1 35
165 1 mm (6 5”)
1 65
152 4 mm (6”)
1 8
139 7 mm (5 5”)
1 8
127 0 mm (5”)
1 8
3450/2900 rpm
1750/1450 rpm
10 US gpm (2 3 m
5 US gpm (1 1