E. setting the center module, Setting the center module – Fairbanks Trident Precast Concrete Deck Truck Scale User Manual
Page 15

Section 3: Scale Installation
51255 Rev. 2
Setting the Center Module
The center module is always set first. The center module will have four load cells
to install, all other modules will have two load cells. The modules must be placed
in the proper order and aligned in the foundation so that all modules fit correctly.
Undermount scales have a definite orientation because the junction box mounting
bars are welded to one (1) side only. The j-box side of the modules should face
the home-run conduit.
a. Place blocks that will set the modules at a height slightly less than the
finished height as safety blocks, or for setting the modules on.
b. Lift the center module to a location above the four center load cell base plates.
Install a load cell bearing cup with "O" rings into the upper receiver of
each corner, grease will help hold the cup in place.
Insert the upper end of the locating tool into the upper cup on the module.
Set the module directly on the locating tools and the blocks will act as
safety stands.
Lower the module while holding the locating tool upright and guiding
the bottom of the tool into the lower cup.
When the center module is set on all four locating tools, keep tension
on the cables until the module is centered and straight. Once square
and plumb are verified, you can release tension
Use hydraulic jacks to lift the unit slightly and shift the base plates to
get the locating tools plumb and the top and bottom flanges FLUSH
with the sides of the cup.
c. Measure from each side of each end of the module, to the end walls, to be
certain the module is plumb and square before removing tension.
d. Remove threaded eye bolts and install on next module for proper lifting.