Installation, Combustion air supply from the boiler room – Fulton Reliance (RLN) High Efficiency Cooper Fin Boiler User Manual

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© The Fulton Companies 2012





room such as compressors and air handling units.

4. Consult your venting pipe supplier for assistance with sizing of vent

materials and other potentially required accessories.

NOTE: The installation of an air intake fi lter is recommended for any Reliance

installation where particulate matter >50 microns could enter the boiler. An air
intake fi lter is available as an option from Fulton if required. The air intake fi lter
must be inspected and, if required, cleaned and/or replaced on a monthly basis at
a minimum.

Combustion Air Supply From the Boiler Room

Adhere to the following for installation:

1. Adequate combustion air and ventilation must be supplied to the boiler

room in accordance with local codes and NFPA54/ANSI Z233.1, Section 5.3,
Air for combustion and ventilation.

2. The boiler room must meet the NFPA criteria for a non-confi ned space.

3. It is important to provide free access of air to the boiler. To burn fuel

properly, it requires 0.4 square inch opening of fresh air for every 1,000 BTU
input of fuel (2.58 cm2 for every 252Kcal).

4. Consistent proper ventilation of the boiler room is essential for good

combustion. Install two fresh air openings, one at a low level, within 12
inches (305 mm) from the fl oor but not less than 3 inches (76 mm), and
one at a higher level within 12 inches (305 mm) of the ceiling but not less
than 3” in the boiler room wall. This will provide a fl ow of air to exhaust the
hot air from the boiler room. Each opening must have a minimum of 1in


per 1000 Btu/hr and be no less than 100in



5. Consider the blocking eff ect of louvers and grills.

6. A combustion air supply damper (which can be shipped mounted to

the boiler from the factory) is recommended for sealed combustion
installations with high draft fl ow. This is typical of installations with a total
of 70 ft linear distance or greater of the combined distance of air intake
and exhaust piping. In cold ambient conditions, high natural draft through
an idle boiler can cause the water inside the heat exchanger to freeze.

Combustion Air Piped From Outside Building Without Sealed


Adhere to the following for installation:

1. If the boiler room is deemed a confi ned space two permanent ducts

connected to the outdoors must be installed.

NOTE: Assembly should be completed within 20 seconds after last application of

cement. Do not use a hammer to insert pipe.



Do not use the boiler as support for
ducted air piping. Ducted piping
must be supported independently of
the boiler.

Cements for plastic pipe are
fl ammable liquids and should
be kept away from all sources of
ignition. Proper ventilation should
be maintained to reduce the hazard
and to minimize breathing of cement
vapors. Avoid contact of cement with
skin and eyes.