Avaya SM61 User Manual

Page 8

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MJH; Reviewed:
SPOC 8/4/2011

Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes

©2011 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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3. Codecs

IP codec set 1 was used during compliance testing. Multiple codecs can be listed in
priority order to allow the codec used by a specific call to be negotiated during call
establishment. The example below shows the values used during compliance testing.

display ip-codec-set 1 Page 1 of 2

IP Codec Set

Codec Set: 1

Audio Silence Frames Packet
Codec Suppression Per Pkt Size(ms)
1: G.711MU n 2 20

On Page 2, set the FAX Mode field to t.38-standard. The Modem Mode field should
be set to off.

Leave the FAX Redundancy setting at its default value of 0. A packet redundancy
level can be assigned to improve packet delivery and robustness of FAX transport over
the network (with increased bandwidth as trade-off). Avaya uses IETF RFC-2198 and
ITU-T T.38 specifications as redundancy standard. With this standard, each Fax over
IP packet is sent with additional (redundant) 0 to 3 previous fax packets based on the
redundancy setting. A setting of 0 (no redundancy)

is suited for networks where packet

loss is not a problem


display ip-codec-set 1 Page 2 of 2

IP Codec Set

Allow Direct-IP Multimedia? y
Maximum Call Rate for Direct-IP Multimedia: 2048:Kbits
Maximum Call Rate for Priority Direct-IP Multimedia: 2048:Kbits

Mode Redundancy
FAX t.38-standard 0
Modem off 0
Clear-channel n 0