Mirion Technologies R90 Mark 3 Local CCU User Manual
R90 mark 3, Rees

R90 Mark 3
Local Control
Camera Control Unit
• Membrane keypad for controlling
camera functions
• 19 inch 3U rack mounting chassis
• Compatible with all R90 Type
• Lighting power supply, and pan
and tilt supply options
• Optional remote control panel
• Camera type selector switch
• High power external lighting
control option
The Rees
R930CUH Local Control
is designed to provide full remote con-
trol of any R90 type single channel camera
system. It is housed in a 19” rack mount chas-
sis with a tactile membrane keypad on the
front but an optional remote keypad is avail-
able for camera control away from the CCU
Innovative new circuits have been incorpo-
rated to significantly reduce the effects of
radiation damage, dark current temperature
instability and tube aging.
Video card Auto-Black Circuit: This detects the
darkest area being viewed and uses it to set
the grey scale for the rest of the picture. Op-
timizes contrast independently of tube dark
current variations caused by radiation effects
or temperature changes.
Imaging & Sensing Technology Corporation
Scan card Beam Current Stabilization Circuit:
Counters the effects of tube aging by sens-
ing the limiter current and controlling the grid
voltage. This maintains a constant beam cur-
rent producing an improved electron beam
spot shape and high resolution.
The combined action of these circuits allows
all Rees Mk 3 cameras to provide a high reso-
lution picture for longer periods of time, in
higher total absorbed radiation doses (2MGy
(H20) [60Co]), and at higher temperatures.
Fully compatible with international video
standards, units are available in 525 or 625
line and 100-120V, 200-240V, 50/60Hz. It can
be integrated or locked to external sources,
image processors or machine vision systems.