Mirion Technologies M702 Viewing Pyrometer User Manual
M702, Quadtek

Viewing Pyrometer
Pyrometers are great at measuring how hot your process is, but you never know exactly where
they are pointing. The Quadtek
Viewing Pyrometer takes the guesswork out of it by
showing you on the monitor. The pyrometer temperature data is multiplexed with the video
signal and sent to the M702 unit. It separates them and displays the video on a monitor with a
locator square on the screen which marks the specific area that the pyrometer is measuring.
Under ideal conditions a camera system gives operators an excellent view of the combustion
process, but most industrial processes are prone to conditions that make it hard to see clearly.
The M702 gives operators an added advantage by overcoming these difficult imaging problems
by colorizing the image and providing contrast expansion and custom shading control.
Imaging & Sensing Technology Corporation
Features / Benefits
Camera and Pyrometer All-in-One
The pyrometer shares the same optical path as
the camera video signal and provides an
accuracy of +/- 1%. You see exactly where the
temperature is being measured on a small
locator square displayed on the control room
monitor. The temperature value is on the M702
front panel LCD and can be exported as an
analog 4-20mA signal.
The M702 colorizes the incoming infrared black
and white video signal. Hot items appear as
yellow or white while cooler items appear as
darker reds.
Contrast Expansion
Independent operator control of the black and
white levels allow the maximum contrast range
to be achieved. Increased contrast expansion
provides a better picture.
Shading Correction
A finer degree of control is possible using the
four shading controls. This allows contrast to be
adjusted over a portion of the screen. Extremely
useful when difficult imaging conditions only
affect part of the image.