Mirion Technologies GIM 203K User Manual

Radiation monitoring systems, Gim 203k, Wide range gamma area monitor

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radiation monitoring


A Mirion Technologies Division

GIM 203K

Gamma & Neutronic Monitors

GIM 203K

Wide Range Gamma Area Monitor

The GIM 203K forms part of the RAMSYS product

line. It has been developed to continuously monitor

gamma dose rate under harsh environment condi-

tions. It is particularly useful for monitoring the dose

rate inside containment and in the reactor building

during and after mild and severe accidents under

harsh operating conditions.


• Radioprotection of workers

Containment atmosphere, etc.

• Post-accident operations


• GIM 201K: low range gamma area monitor

• GIM 202K: wide range gamma area monitor

• GIM 205K: medium range gamma area monitor

• GIM 206K: high range gamma area monitor


Wide measurement range

Compact and reliable

Available with or without display and local signalling

1E qualifi cation and embedded safety related software

Available under 10 CFR 50 App.B, ASME NQA-1 and

IEC61226 programs for safety related applications

LOCA proof detector and cable

Very high TID

Seismic qualifi cation