Mirion Technologies NIM 201K User Manual
Radiation monitoring systems, Nim 201k, Neutron irradiation dose rate monitor

radiation monitoring
A Mirion Technologies Division
NIM 201K
Gamma & Neutronic Monitors
NIM 201K
Neutron Irradiation Dose Rate Monitor
The NIM 201K forms part of the RAMSYS product
line. It has been developed to monitor in real time the
ambient dose equivalent rate. It provides operatio-
nal dose rate in units of H*(10) derived from neutron
fl uence according to ICRU 57 recommendations. The
helium-3 proportional counter (cylindrical tube) pla-
ced inside a polyethylene sphere facilitates detection
of thermal and fast neutrons. Its large energy range,
associated with modular design makes it effi cient,
reliable and very sensitive. It is used effectively in nu-
clear reactors, subcritical stacks, neutron generators
and irradiators, and in accelerator facilities.
• Radioprotection of workers
• Complement to the entire GIM range
Detector for indoor and outdoor applications
H*(10) measurement
Available with or without display and local signaling
Wide and high neutron energy range (2.5 10
to 16 MeV)
Compact and reliable