Mirion Technologies HandFoot-Fibre User Manual
Health physics, Rados handfoot-fibre

health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
RADOS HandFoot-Fibre™
Hand Foot Clothing Monitor
CheckPoint:Body™ family
RADOS HandFoot-Fibre™
Hand Foot Clothing Monitor
The new RADOS HandFoot-Fibre™ Monitor is used
in circumstances not requiring a full body monitor, it is
well suited for mobile contamination monitoring inside
the controlled area or for temporary controlled areas.
It is provided with alpha (no discrimination) and beta
The system is based on an industrial personal computer.
Extremely robust, real-time and multi-tasking Unix-based
operating system, designed for highest performance in
process control with an intuitive graphical user interface
featuring a touch screen for greatest ease of use.
• RADOS Fibre Technology Detectors
not requiring gas connection
• Nuclide pre-selection
• Touchscreen
• Frisking Probe for Clothing (Standard)
• Design according to new IEC 61098
- TELEPOLE (2 pages)
- RDS-40WE (2 pages)
- RDS-31iTxSD (2 pages)
- RDS-31iTx (2 pages)
- RDS-31 S_R (2 pages)
- RDS 80 (2 pages)
- RDS 30 (2 pages)
- RAM R 200 (2 pages)
- RAM ION (2 pages)
- RADIAMASS (2 pages)
- RADIAC Vehicle (2 pages)
- GMP-25 Pancake Beta Probe (2 pages)
- GMP-12UW Under Water Gamma Probe (2 pages)
- GMP-12SD Gamma Probe (2 pages)
- GMP-12H-12L Gamma Probes (2 pages)
- GMP-12-3 Gamma Probes (2 pages)
- GMP-11-3 Beta Probes (2 pages)
- GMP 11-15 Beta Probes (2 pages)
- Emergency Kit (2 pages)
- DRM-2 (D) (2 pages)
- DRM-1 (D) (2 pages)
- AMP 50 GM (2 pages)
- AMP 200 GM (2 pages)
- AMP 100 GM (2 pages)
- RE 2000 S (2 pages)
- RE 2000 A (2 pages)
- DBR-2 (2 pages)
- DBR-1 (2 pages)
- TLD Dosimeter (2 pages)
- EDIS-1 (2 pages)
- DIS-1H3 (2 pages)
- DIS-1 (2 pages)
- PAM 1_1R (2 pages)
- iPAM-TRX (2 pages)
- DDC 16 (2 pages)
- WRM2 RAMSYS System (2 pages)
- WRM2 (2 pages)
- WRM Underwater Antenna (2 pages)
- DMC 3000 Telemetry Module (2 pages)
- IRD-2000 (2 pages)
- IDC Hands-Free (2 pages)
- XOM_R - XOM_T (2 pages)
- LDM 320D (2 pages)
- LDM 3000 (2 pages)