Format a4 – Mirion Technologies FastTrack-Vehicle User Manual
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Format A4
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RADOS FastTrack-Vehicle™
Truck Monitor
CheckPoint:Gate™ family
Overview of Features
GammaFibre™ detectors
• 2 x 3 large volume gamma sensitive detectors
• lead shielding 15 mm from 3 sides
FastTrack algorithms
• unique filters for distinction between events related to the vehicle passing
through the monitors and those unrelated
• increased sensitivity and lower detection limits
• fast detection
Modular design for easy assembly and transport
• all parts fit the size of a small transporter and can be assembled without
special lifting devices
Optional camera and traffic light operation
Customer Benefits
Fast and reliable detection of vehicles with radioactive sources
• low false alarm rates
• low detection limits
• high speed detection
Easy assembly and transport
• compact modules can be man handled
Modern user software
• touchscreen operated
• networkable
RADOS FastTrack-Vehicle™ builds on the very successful development of the
FastTrack-Fibre™ Gamma portal monitor for personnel. Both are the newest
additions to the RADOS CheckPoint:Gate™ family of monitors.
The monitors of the RADOS CheckPoint:Gate™ family have been proven in many
applications throughout nuclear industry, ports and steel works worldwide.