Mirion Technologies DMC 3000 User Manual

Health physics, Dmc 3000, Personal electronic dosimeter

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health physics

A Mirion Technologies Division


DMC 3000

Active Dosimetry - Dosimeters

DMC 3000

Personal Electronic Dosimeter

Mirion Technologies provides a complete line of

hardware and software products targeted to Health

Physics and Radiation Protection personnel, in order to

meet current Nuclear Industry challenges.

Covering a wide range of X-Ray and Gamma radiation

detection, our DMC 3000 Electronic Dosimeter

represents over 25 years of real-world electronic

dosimetry experience, continually refi ned through

customer feedback.

The unique, high contrast and backlit LCD display

provides a clear indication of wearer’s dose and

ambient dose rate for deep dose equivalent. More

importantly, multiple methods (audible, visual,

and tactile) are utilized to alert the wearer of alarm


Best of all, the DMC 3000 provides all of this protection,

for over 2500 hours of continuous use, with a single

AAA battery.

Finally, Mirion Technologies provides users with

additional tools for calibration, positive entry control,

and remote monitoring.

Radiation Safety. Perfected.

The DMC 3000 off ers an enhanced communication

protocol for additional features and includes a

compatibility mode for previous Mirion

Technologies products including Access Control,

Turnstiles and Telemetry infrastructure.


Loud alarm, 85 dB (A) typical, (> 90 dB (C) peak)

Vibrating alarm

Highly visible backlit display

Optional telemetry module

Factory upgradeable fi rmware

Simple 2-buttons navigation

Extended dose rate alarms

Dual ultrabright LED alarm

Superior X-ray and gamma energy response

Meets or exceeds applicable IEC and ANSI standards

Designed for ruggedness and durability