Luminex BioPlex XYP, LX200 User Manual (supplied by BioRad) User Manual

Page 40

background image

Blue power indicator light on

1. System not plugged in

Turn on system, power strip.

HTF is not on

2. Power strip not on

Remove power cable and reconne

HTF sheath reservoir does

Power not on

Press prime button on front of

not refill.


Lines not connected

Turn power off then on again on

Sheath cube more than

Disconnect air tubing

3 ft below HTF

connecting array reader to HTF.
HTF should prime and fill.

HTF audible alarm and red

Sheath cube is empty

Insert filtered end of sheath

fault indicator light on.

intake line into new container
and press Prime button on front
of HTF.

HTF not on level

Ensure that HTF system is on


flat surface.

Filtered end of sheath

Ensure that filter is below level

tube not below level

of sheath in cube.

of sheath in cube

Sheath container is not

Place the sheath cube 3–4 ft

below level of HTF

below the level of the reader and
HTF system (Figure 20).

Sheath filter clogged

Replace sheath filter.

HTF may be overfilled

Disconnect the Sheath Out fitting
at the array reader. Discharge sheath
fluid into a waste container by
depressing the plunger at the end of
the Sheath Out tubing using a screw-
driver or other similar object. Drain
until HTF tank is about half full.

Call Technical Support if all actions
above do not resolve problem.



