Luminex BioPlex XYP, LX200 User Manual (supplied by BioRad) User Manual
Page 38

Pressurizing in status bar of
Leak in sheath bottle or
Tighten sheath cap or replace sheath
Sheath and waste bottle
Make sure that the blue-ringed cap is
caps are reversed
on the sheath bottle and the orange-
ringed cap is on the waste bottle.
System pressure settings
Update pressure settings. Contact
incorrectly set
Technical Support for instructions.
Needle stuck in down
Protective assay plate
See hardware manual for procedure for
covering was not removed
raising needle stuck in down position.
Then remove cover from assay plate.
Needle guide is not
Tighten needle guide by turning tube
screwed all the way in
clockwise until tight.
Sample needle is bent
Replace bent needle with a new
needle (Section 3.8.1, p. 16).
No assay signal detected.
Most likely:
Error in assay preparation
Make sure that streptavidin-PE was
added. See the assay kit manual.
Incorrect target values used
Check that target values in calibration
in calibration
dialog box match the values on Cal1
and Cal2 bottles.
Waste container overfilled
Empty waste. Reconnect waste.
Perform Unclog.
Sheath reservoir low or
Refill sheath reservoir. Perform
Start Up.
Less likely:
Waste line not connected
Check waste line connection. Make
sure that it clicks into place. Make sure
cap is vented and there is no pressure
inside the waste bottle.
Laser not functioning
Perform Calibrate using calibration kit.
Call Technical Support for further