Luminex BioPlex XYP, LX200 User Manual (supplied by BioRad) User Manual

Page 27

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Fig. 19. Device status window.


After the pressure has stabilized, record the air and sheath pressure (Figure 19, arrows).

Air pressure:

________ psi

Sheath pressure________ psi

Save this information. You will need it later in the installation procedure, and you will also
need to refer to it if you use the array reader with the original sheath fluid container again.


At the end of the prime cycle, disconnect the sheath fluid container. Store it in a safe place.
If you plan to use the HTF waste line, disconnect the waste container as well.

Note: It is important to document your instrument’s original sheath pressure in case bottles
are used.


Place the HTF next to the sheath fluid connection on the array reader. Do not place the
HTF on top of the array reader. Place the sheath cube 3–4 ft below the level of the array
reader and HTF. Figure 20 shows a typical setup.

Warning: The Sheath container must be below the level of the Bio-Plex reader. Placing the
sheath container on the same level or higher than the Bio-Plex reader can draw sheath fluid
into the array reader and damage the system.