Magnum Venus Plastech Pro Series 11:1 PRO PUMP VPRO-45110 User Manual

Page 33

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Danger: To prevent injury, always relieve pressure before attempting to remove components.

Wide Fan

Air pressure too high.

Lower pressure then increase
pressure to the desired fan.

Nozzle too small or too wide.

Change nozzle.

Round fan

Orifice in nozzle worn, clogged, Push fine wire through orifice

or damaged.

from back side. Use fingernail to
clean material

form “V” shaped

notch in front. Soak hardened
material in solvent. If notch is
rough or worn, replace nozzle.

Air-assist pressure too high.

Decrease air-assist pressure.

Excessive misting

Air pressure too high.

Reduce air pressure to gel coat

Heavy pulsation

Resin accumulator plugged.

Disassemble accumulator and


Pump jumps on upstroke

Piston ball worn or not seating

Replace piston ball and piston


cups. Be sure to lubricate ball
and cups thoroughly with Red
Grease. See Chapter 4: Pro

Pump dives on down stroke

Foot valve, spring retainer, or

Clean or replace foot valve,

foot valve ball damaged or

retainer and foot valve ball. Be

spring dirty.

sure to lubricate ball thoroughly
with Red Grease. See Chapter 4:
Pro Pump.

Pick-up wand assembly not tight. Tighten or seal joints of pick-up


Air in material.

Agitate material to remove air.

Low output on upstroke

Piston cups, piston ball, or

Inspect the piston cups, piston

pump cylinder worn.

ball, and pump cylinder. Clean
and replace any damaged
components. See Chapter 4:
Pro Pump.

Pump does not run

Silencers on valve block

Turn off air to pump and unscrew


silencers. Clean silencers and