Page 3

System Information
This manual provides warnings and procedures that are intended to inform the owner and operator of
potential hazards present when using Sponsler meters and accessories. The reading of these warnings
and the avoidance of these hazards is strictly the responsibility of the owner and operator of this
equipment. Neglect of this responsibility is not within the control of the manufacturer of the meter and
The system into which these components are installed must have a safe means of:
• Filling
• Discharging
• Draining
• Relieving pressure
• Shutting down in an emergency
• Protection in the event of an external fire
System Considerations
Sponsler components are considered pressure accessories only. They are not suitable for preventing
system damage or failure. They have not been protected against external or internal damage from system
or environmental factors such as:
• Overpressurization (pumps size, thermal expansion, blockage discharge etc.)
• Hydraulic shock
• Excessive vibration
• Closed valves
• Overheating
• Extreme cold
• Temperature extremes outside of flowmeter ratings
• Pressure surges, pulsations
• Lightning
• Seismic load
• Fire/explosion-engulfment
• Snow/ice loads
It is essential that the designer of the system evaluate the system for these types of concerns and any
other applicable concerns in design and protection by means such as pressure relief valves, burst discs,
safety valves, shelters, grounding, fusing, etc., as required
WARNING: Sponsler meters and accessories provide no means of relieving pressure. It
must be provided somewhere else in the over all system.
It is also the responsibility of the system owner to make sure personnel working on or around the
equipment have been trained on all applicable concerns.
Sponsler components are designed to bolt to a platform or support. Never hang any components on the
connecting piping or hang any external loads on any Sponsler component.
In addition, Sponsler components rely on internal spacing tolerances, which can degrade or fail from
erosion, abrasion, or fouling. As such, it is important to evaluate the system and take measures to prevent
this from happening. Proper filtration is recommended to assist in achieving this.