Installation – Liquid Controls Dual Meter Multiplexer User Manual

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If using a Laptop computer with HOST software to control or set up the registers, a 9 pin serial extension cable
must be used. Plug the MALE end of the cable into the front side of the multiplexer on the port labeled “RS-232
Lap Pad”. Plug the other end of the cable into the RS-232 Port of the Laptop computer. This cable is not provided
by Liquid Controls but it can be acquired at an electronics or computer store.

Once the Laptop computer is connected to the multiplexer, the LCRHOST.exe program (loaded on the computer)
is used to communicate with the LCR registers. If using a software application other than LCRHOST, refer to the
User Manual provided with that software.


If using the Liquid Controls Hand Held PC, connect the coiled cable to the port located on the front side of the
multiplexer labeled “RS-485 Computer”. If the Hand Held being used is from a different manufacturer, refer to the
Installation Manual provided with that device.

Before powering up the system, make sure that there is a PCMCIA RAM card inserted in the Hand Held. Even if
the RAM card is blank, it should still be inserted in the Hand Held, otherwise, an “Abort, Retry, Ignore” error
message will appear. Once the RAM card is inserted and the system is powered, do not remove it. To remove the
card, power off the system and then remove it.

Figure 1.7 Connecting the Hand Held PC

Figure 1.6 Connecting the Lap Pad