Laurel Electronics Laureate XLog Datalogging Software User Manual
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Use XLog™ Datalogging Software requires prior setup of the meters and transmitters to
be datalogged or displayed, and prior configuration of Ethernet Nodes if Ethernet is used.
Please refer to the following documentation and software, which are downloadable from our
website at no charge:
1. Instrument User Manuals. Available for 1/8 DIN Laureate panel instruments (analog or
pulse input) and DIN rail mountable Laureate transmitters (LT or LTE series, analog or
pulse input). Items to be set up include jumpers for signal input ranges and communica-
tion outputs, user selectable operating modes, digital scaling, digital filtering, setpoints
for relay operation, communication parameters, and digital addresses. The manuals
explain Items #1, #2 and #3, which apply to counters and can be displayed on a PC and
datalogged. Downloadable from
2. Instrument Setup Software. This Windows-based software greatly facilitates program-
ming of 1/8 DIN Laureate panel instruments compared to programming via front panel
keys. It is required for programming of DIN rail mountable Laureate transmitters without
front panel keys. Setup parameters include selection of operating modes, digital scaling,
digital filtering, setpoints for relay operation, communication parameters, and digital
addresses. Downloadable from
3. Ethernet Manual. Explains different types of Ethernet networks and use of Node Mana-
ger Software to discover Laureate Ethernet Nodes on a LAN or WAN and then configure
these Nodes. Also explains the alternate use of Web Server Software in which is built
into each Node. Downloadable from
4. Node Manager Software. Windows-based software used for discovery and configura-
tion of Laureate Ethernet Nodes. It configures each Node by setting up communication
parameters, naming the Node and associated devices, entering email addresses for
alarm notification and data requests, selecting the Node’s time zone for time-stamping of
emails and streaming data, and upgrading the Node’s firmware. Downloadable from
Note that Node Manager Software, Datalogging Software, and Instrument Setup Software
use the same core software modules to discover and establish communications with
Laureate Nodes and any devices attached to them via an RS485 bus. Node Manager
Software includes additional modules to configure the individual Nodes, while Instrument
Setup Software includes modules to set up the individual instruments.