Laurel Electronics Laureate XLog Datalogging Software User Manual

Page 14

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The Display and Logging Assignment screen is used to define the parameters to be
displayed and/or logged. Each line represents either a Hardware meter (listed first) or a
Virtual meter (listed next). A pop-up Data Entry form appears by clicking anywhere on the
grid line, and is used to make or edit parameters for that meter. The columns on the Data
Entry form match the grid column headings. Press “Next’ after you have made your entries.

Column headings:

ID................. V number which determines the order in which meters are displayed and

listed in log files. Automatically assigned as Meters are added to the grid, but
may be altered at any time to reflect the user's preferred order.

GP ............... Group number which is determined by the V number according to the table

shown at the top of this screen. There can be 4 groups of screens with 16, 9,
4 or 1 meters per group.

CAPTION .... Name assigned to the Meter for display on the PC screen and on the Header

record of the Log file. Entered manually, can be edited at any time.

TYPE........... The meter type, which can be DPM (analog input), WT (weight meter), CTR

(pulse input counter). ‘Virtual” is automatically entered when ‘Virtual’ has been
checked in the Data Entry form.