Laurel Electronics Laureate XLog Datalogging Software User Manual
Page 15

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ADDR.......... Serial communications address. Programmed via a meter’s front panel or via
Instrument Setup Software. Not required for a single instrument.
DATA .......... The items to be displayed and logged. These are Reading, Peak, Valley, plus
Item2 and Item3 for pulse input counters.
ACTION ...... Selects how the Data is recorded. Selections are Display, Log, Both, Read
Only, or None.
Headings Applicable to Virtual meters:
SETPT 1...... The value that determines the Alarm 1 status.
SETPT 2...... The value that determines the Alarm 2 status.
DEC PT ...... Determines the decimal point of the displayed reading.
FORMULA .. Mathematical formula which determines the reading of a Virtual meter as a
function of selected readings form Hardware and other Virtual meters. A time
integration function can also be applied to totalize readings over time.
For Virtual Meters, Setpoints and Decimal Points must be entered on the Data Entry form.
Enter the Decimal Point first and then the Setpoint 1 and 2 values. Enter a suffix H or L to
indicate whether the Setpoint is High or Low.
An Equation must be entered to determine the displayed value. Any mathematical formula
using the following symbols may be used:
() Parentheses used to resolve ambiguities
* Multiplication
/ Division
+ Addition
- Subtraction
Equations are evaluated in the above order. Values from Hardware and Virtual meters may
be used in the equation by using the meter ID number with the V prefix. For example,
100*V2/(V3/2+V4). To use the most current values in the equation, the meter ID for the
Virtual meter equation should be higher than the meter ID's used in the equation. The
equation is limited to 40 characters, so spaces should not be used in long equations.
Virtual meters may display running time by entering an R prefix to a multiplier. If the number
is 1 (R1), then the time is in seconds. If the number is 1/60 (R1/60), then the time is in
minutes, etc. To display running time as Clock Time, enter a C prefix (C1) instead of an R.
Virtual meters may display the time integral of a value by entering a T prefix to the equation.
For example, adding a T to the above equation, such as T100*V2/(V3/2+V4), results in the
time integral in value-seconds. If the example value is in Watts, it can display Watt-hours by
dividing by 3600, such as T100*V2/((V3/2+V4)*3600). Time starts when the Program screen
is displayed, but Virtual meters having time equations with R, T or C prefixes are displayed
with a RESET command button on the meter face. Clicking the RESET button causes the
Time or Time Integral to start again from time zero. To simultaneously reset several meters,
click on the group tab RESET button, which activates the Meter Reset screen, then follow
the Help instructions.
Click on ‘Check Com’ to check communications before clicking on ‘Next’.