Laurel Electronics Laureate XLog Datalogging Software User Manual

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Grid column headings:

NODE#.............. The letter assigned by XLog to the Node and to all meters connected to

that Node.

NODE NAME…. The name assigned to the Node. The default name is “Node” followed by

the Node’s unique MAC address. Node Manager Software can be used to
assign a different name to facilitate recognition.

METER NAME.. The name that will be displayed for the Device on the XLog data screens

and in logging headers. Descriptive names can be assigned using Node
Manager Software.

ADR…………… The serial communication address for the Device. This can be 1-31 with

the Custom ASCII protocol and 1-247 with the Modbus protocol. For an
Ethernet Network, this address is prefaced by the Node#.

TYPE………….. The type of meter or transmitter, either DPM (analog input meter or trans-

mitter), WT (weight meter), or CTR (pulse input counter or transmitter).

REV………….… The Device's firmware revision number.

RDG/ITEM1……The main numerical value normally displayed by a meter or sent by a trans-

mitter. Analog input meters and transmitters can only have one item for
display (plus Peak and Valley), while pulse input counters and transmitters
can have up to three items for display (plus Peak and Valley).

PEAK………….. All Laureate meters and transmitters can capture the peak (or maximum)

reading since last reset.

VALLEY…….… All Laureate meters and transmitters can capture the valley (or minimum)

reading since last reset.

ITEM2…………. In pulse input counters and transmitters, up to three numerical values can

be selected for display and datalogging. Named Item1, Item2 and Item3,
these are explained in their respective instrument manuals. In a counter,
the item to be displayed can be selected by pressing a front panel key. The
item can also be selected via serial communications. For example, in the
A+B totalizer mode of the dual-channel counter, the sum of A+B is Item1,
Total A is Item2, and Total B is Item3. When a counter is reset, Item1 is
always displayed.

ITEM3…….…… Please see ITEM2 above.