Software specifications – Impulse V2416 Series User Manual

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w w w. m o x a . c o m

i n f o @ m o x a . c o m

Railway Computers

Note: These hardware specifications describe the embedded computer unit itself,

but not its official accessories. In particular, the wide temperature specification

does not apply to accessories such as power adaptors and cables.

Serial Communication Parameters

Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8
Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2
Parity: None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Flow Control: RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF, ADDC® (automatic data direction
control) for RS-485
Baudrate: 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps (non-standard baudrates supported;
see user’s manual for details)

Switches and Buttons

Power Switch: on/off (front panel)
Reset Button: For warm reboot (front panel)
Programmable Button: on/off (on each removable tray)

Power Requirements

Input Voltage: 12 to 48 VDC (M12 connector)

Note: Compliant with EN 50155 on 24 VDC

Power Consumption: 26 W
2.16 A @ 12 VDC
1.08 A @ 24 VDC
542 mA @ 48 VDC


Unit: mm (inch)

275 (10.83)

262.5 (10.33)

86 (3.39)

154 (6.06)

6 (0.24)

85.75 (3.38)

Software Specifications


OS: Debian Linux 5.0, Lenny; kernel 2.6.32
File System: EXT2/EXT3
Internet Protocol Suite: TCP, UDP, IPv4, SNMPv1/v2c/v3, ICMP, ARP,
HTTP, CHAP, PAP, SSH 1.0/2.0, SSL, DHCP, NTP, NFS, Telnet, FTP,
Internet Security: OpenVPN, iptables firewall
Web Server (Apache): Allows you to create and manage web sites;
supports PHP and XML
Terminal Server (SSH): Provides secure encrypted communications
between two un-trusted hosts over an insecure network
Dial-up Networking: PPP Daemon for Linux that allows Unix machines
to connect to the Internet through dialup lines, using the PPP protocol,
as a PPP server or client. Works with ‘chat’, ‘dip’, and ‘diald’, among
(many) others. Supports IP, TCP, UDP, and (for Linux) IPX (Novell).

File Server: Enables remote clients to access files and other resources
over the network
Watchdog: Features a hardware function to trigger system reset in a
user specified time interval (Moxa API provided)
Application Development Software:
• Moxa API Library (Watchdog timer, Moxa serial I/O control, Moxa DI/
• GNU C/C++ compiler
• GNU C library
• Perl
Tailored MIB File for SNMP Control: SNMP allows centralized
network monitoring and control. With Moxa’s proprietary MIB file, trap
notifications keep network overhead low while providing monitoring
and control of key BIOS settings; internal hardware sensors; interface
connectivity for DI/DO, USB, and UART; and other peripheral devices.