Hach-Lange LUMISTOX 300 LPV321 User Manual User Manual
Page 4

LUMIStox 300 Operating Manual
Dr. Bruno Lange GmbH
Page: 4
1 The LUMIStox 300 measuring instrument
1.1 Concept
The LUMIStox 300 is a measuring instrument that has been developed as a measuring
and evaluation unit for the luminescent bacteria test. In combination with the
LUMIStherm incubation block it conforms to the technical requirements of DIN 38412
L34 and L341 and the international standard ISO DIS 11348.
In addition the Dr. Lange luminescent bacteria tests for operational analysis LUMISmini
(LCK484) and TOX cuvette test (LCK488), as well as the luminescent bacteria test for
chronic toxicity, LUMIS·24·tox (LCK486), can be evaluated with this instrument.
The LUMIStox 300 combines computer technology with the technology of measuring
instruments (in this case a luminometer). Just like a computer, the LUMIStox 300 has
its own operating system. This is externally apparent from the built-in diskette drive. A
diskette, on which all the data and programs needed to operate the LUMIStox 300 are
stored, starts ("boots") the instrument just like a computer when it is switched on. Future
program extensions or updates can therefore simply be read into the instrument from a
new diskette.
The LUMIStox 300 has a built-in photometer function and an automatic measuring and
evaluation routine, which enable it to recognize colour effects in the luminescent
bacteria test and to take account of these in the test result. The photometer function
also allows the colour effect to be estimated in advance, and can be used to determine
the extinction (as OD - optical density) of bacteria suspensions for the purpose of
assessing growth inhibition in the luminescent bacteria test for chronic toxicity,
LUMIS·24·tox (LCK486).
The LUMIStox 300 has an automatic reference control system, with which it checks the
functioning of the whole measuring path before each luminescent bacteria test is
carried out.