Technical support – Clear-Com Tempest2400 User Manual
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Technical Support
In order to ensure that your experience with Clear-Com and our World Class products is as benefi cial, eff ecti ve and effi cient as
possible, we would like to defi ne the policies and share some “best practi ces” that can accelerate any problem solving pro-
cesses which we may fi nd necessary and to enhance your customer service experience. Our Technical Support, Return Material
Authorizati on, and Repair Policies are set forth below. These Policies are subject to revision and constantly evolve in order to
address our Customers’ and the Market’s needs. Accordingly these are provided by way of guidance and for informati on only
and may be changed at anyti me with or without Noti ce.
a) Telephone, online, and e-mail technical support will be provided by the Customer Service Center free of charge during
the Warranty Period.
b) Technical support will be provided free of charge for all soft ware products under the following conditi ons:
i) The applicati on, operati ng, and embedded soft ware is installed on a product covered by Clear-Com’s Limited
Warranty, and:
1) The soft ware is at the current release level; or,
2) The soft ware is one (1) version removed from current.
ii) Older versions of soft ware will receive “best-eff ort” support, but will not be updated to correct reported bugs or add
requested functi onality.
c) For Technical Support:
i) North and South America, (incl. Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean) & US Military:
Hours: 0800 - 1700 Pacifi c Time
Days: Monday - Friday
Tel: +1 510 337 6600
Email: [email protected]
ii) Europe, the Middle East and Africa:
Hours: 0800 - 2000 Central European Time
Days: Monday - Friday
Tel: +49 40 853 999 700
Email: [email protected]
iii) Asia-Pacifi c:
Hours: 0800 - 1700 Pacifi c Time
Days: Monday - Friday
Tel: +1 510 337 6600
Email: [email protected]
d) Email Technical Support is available for all Clear-Com branded products free of charge for the life of the product, or two
years aft er a product has been classifi ed as obsolete, whichever comes fi rst. To log or update a request, send an email
to: [email protected].
e) Support for Distributor and Dealer Sales
i) Distributors and Dealers may uti lize the Customer Service Centers once a system has been installed and
commissioned. Clear-Com Systems and Applicati ons Engineers will provide support to the Distributor from the pre-
sales stage through to sati sfactory installati on for new system purchases. Customers will be encouraged to contact
their Dealer or Distributor with their installati on and technical support enquires rather than using the Customer
Service Centers directly.
Tempest® Parallel Zero Sync Generator