Power distribution and short circuit protection, Operation, Front and rear panel controls – Clear-Com PS-704 User Manual
Page 11: Power distribution and short circuit protection -5, Operation -5, Front and rear panel controls -5, Power distribution and short cir- cuit protection

P S - 7 0 4 F O U R - C H A N N E L P O W E R S U P P L Y
1 - 5
7. TERM. ON/OFF: Slide switch (one per channel) selects whether the
PS-704 will provide termination for that channel. The default position is
8. INTERCOM LINE CONNECTOR: There are two 3-pin male XLR
connectors per channel, wired in parallel or “looped-through.”
9. AC POWER SUPPLY INPUT: Connects to AC with an IEC cable. The
PS-704’s power supply will accept any line voltage between 100 volts and
240 volts AC @ 50 Hz - 60 Hz. It will automatically adjust to the line
voltage. There is no need for a selector switch or an external fuse.
Note: Power supply lines connected together at remote stations will disable
the individual channel short circuit protection feature.
Depending upon how many shorts or overloads a channel has experienced
recently, the PS-704 will attempt to turn power on again within 0.5 to 20
seconds of automatically cutting off power to an overloaded channel. This
allows momentary short or overload conditions to clear automatically. If the
PS-704 cuts power off to one or more channels, it will indicate which channel
is affected by blinking the red overload light(s) corresponding to these
channel(s). This light will assist in locating the shorted or overloaded channel.
Shorts are generally caused by miswiring or damaged cables. Overloads are
generally caused by connecting too many beltpacks and stations to a channel.
The current requirements of Clear-Com remote stations and beltpacks vary
with model and use. A station that is simply on and idling in the circuit may
draw only a small amount of current.
The PS-704 provides DC power to operate Clear-Com beltpacks and remote
stations. The power is distributed between the four channels and will support
up to 40 1-Channel Beltpacks or 10 speaker stations or 12 headset stations.
Because the PS-704 is a power supply, its actual operation is very
straightforward. Some forethought as to system layout, station selection, and
cabling schemes is worthwhile, especially if the system encompasses multiple
channels, a large number of stations, long cable runs or any combination of
these. The only actual user-initiated operation of the PS-704 once it is
connected to the system is to switch the power on, check and set the
terminations, select the program sends, and adjust the levels. Any time the
system is initially powered up, it is a good idea to verify that none of the
overload indicator LEDs are lit.
In the following descriptions, the numbers in the left column refer to Figure
1-2 on page 1-4.