Pre-installation procedures cont’d – Hydrotech PURA Max and Max Plus 15-LBGH2-PURA, 15-LBGH2-UV-PURA Operation Manual User Manual

Page 8

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PRe-INstALLAtIoN PRoceDURes coNt’D

5. Insert the pre-rinsed filters into the filter heads on the filter mounting bracket.

6. Attach the end of the ¼” feed line that was installed in step 2 into the open fitting on the bottom right side

of the leak detector.

7. Attach the end of the ¼” line from the leak detector,Labeled “To Filter”, into the inlet of the filter.

8. Attach the cold water tank ¼” supply tubing, Labeled “From Filtration”, (furnished with the unit) to the

outlet of the filter.

9. Connect the source water to the ¼” shutoff you installed on the feed water line in step 4.

10. Turn on the source water. Allow the tanks in the

Max or Max Plus to fill.

11. Depress the cold and hot water spigots and verify that water dispenses from both tanks.

12. Plug the unit into a 120V outlet. If the unit has the recirculating UV system installed, verify the pump has

primed as discussed on page 2 of this manual.

13. Turn on the Hot and Cold power switches.

14. Allow the unit to sit for one hour. Dispense water from the Hot and Cold spigots after that hour has

elapsed. The water in the Hot and Cold tanks should have reached set temperature. If not, call the dealer

from where you purchased this unit.

15. Check all filters and other connections for leaks.

16. Turn off the hot and cold switches.

17. UNPLUG the machine before draining!!

18. Drain ½ gallon of water through the hot tank spigot. This is done to reduce the water temperature in the

hot tank.

19. Remove the drain plug and drain the remaining water from the unit.

20. The unit is now ready for installation.

Note: Do Not lay the unit down. The Max or Max Plus must remain upright at all times.

Pre-Install Preparation – 1240 Reverse osmosis system configuration (optional)

Refer to 54753 Installation Manual

Pre-Install Preparation – Pentek Quick connect cartridge Filter (optional)

Refer to 54753 Installation Manual

Cover Screws


Cold Tank


