Important notices about the uv system – Hydrotech PURA Max and Max Plus 15-LBGH2-PURA, 15-LBGH2-UV-PURA Operation Manual User Manual
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IMPoRtANt NotIces ABoUt tHe UV sYsteM
1. ALWAYs fill the Max or Max Plus with water before plugging the machine into power.
Note: The recirculating UV system powers up immediately when the
Max or Max Plus is plugged into a
power outlet, regardless of the position of the hot and cold switches on the rear of the machine, if the UV
power switch is on. Filling the hot and cold tanks prior to powering the machine will enhance the life of
the recirculating pump.
2. Prime the recirculating pump for proper operation.
Once you fill the hot and cold tanks, and have powered the
Max or Max Plus, remove the top cover
of the machine and make sure water is recirculating through the UV system. In a small percentage of
cases, the recirculating pump will require priming. To prime the pump, simply unplug the power cord of
Max or Max Plus from the power outlet, and immediately observe the stream of air bubbles that will
rise up from the base of the cold tank. Reapply power and the
Max or Max Plus recirculating system will
function normally.
3. Replace the UV lamp and filtration/Ro components in the Max or Max Plus on an annual basis.
The lamp is nominally rated at 9,000 hours, or 375 days. This is a nominal rating, which means you can
typically expect a full 1 year of life from the lamp. However, voltage fluctuations to the
Max or Max Plus
caused by lightning storms or industrial sources can terminate lamp life prematurely. When the lamp
fails, an alarm built into the ballast will annunciate an audible beep. The alert can be reset by replacing
the UV lamp. Note that the UV output of the lamp fades with time, and after 1 year, the lamp needs to be
replaced to optimally provide bio-film and bacteria control in the product water. Although you may still see
a faint blue glow from the lamp after one year of use, be aware that the UV portion of the light spectrum
is no longer present and the UV lamp is no longer providing bacterial control.