Tp series – HOMA TP Series User Manual
Page 12

TP Series
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
7.) S
tarting Devices
Are pumps being started DOL, or with Soft Start device. Indicate manufacturer of Soft Starter. ___________
Are any vibrations evident while pump is being controller by the soft starter? __________________________
Are pumps being operated with VFD (Variable Frequency Drive)? _______
Please indicate brand and model VFD: _________________________________________________________
Are load reactors being used between VFD output and pump? ______ Please indicate size _______________
What ramp up and decel time is the VFD set for? Accel __________ seconds, Decel: _________ seconds
What is the minimum frequency the pump can operate at in this system? ______Hz. Is low speed limit set?_______
8.) Final Check:
Are Thermal Switches properly wired? _______What Over-temperature Relay is being used? ____________
Is Pump Seated On Discharge Properly? ______________ Check For Leaks? __________________
Do Check Valves Operate Properly? ________________________________________________
Flow: Does Station Appear To Operate At Proper Rate ___________________________________
Vibration Level: Measured _____________________ Observed_____________________________
Has the cooling jacket been vented? _________ Is a permanent cooling jacket vent installed? _______
COMMENTS: _____________________________________________________________________
9.) Equipment Difficulties During Start-Up:_________________________________________________
10.) I Certify this Report to be accurate.
Authorized Homa Service Representative:
___________________________________________________________ Phone #____________________
Pump Station Owner/ Operator
___________________________________________________________ Phone # ____________________
DATE _______________________
Pg. 12