HOMA T-motor voltage change User Manual

T-motor voltage change

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T-Motor Voltage Change

This procedure will provide you with step by step instructions

to convert the operating voltage of dual voltage motors.



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Please Be Prepared To Provide Pump Serial Number During Call


1 of 2

1. Remove cap screws holding motor to


2. Slowly, and carefully lift motor straight

up (Do not allow rotor to scrub against
stator!) Lift motor part way and
disconnect seal probe. Failure to
disconnect will cause the probe to
become damaged and rip out (Fig.1)

3. Remove wavy washer from upper

bearing and set it aside.

4. Turn motor over and gently untuck

wire bundles from around the stator
winding. (Fig. 2)

5. Record the wires in each of the

bundles. If there are 4 bundles, the
pump is wired for 230V. If there are 6
bundles, the pump is wired for 460V.

6. Identify and separate the bundle that

has wire number 1. Also separate any
bundles that have numbers 4, 5, and
6. (Fig. 3)

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3